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Practical issues in picture archiving and communication system and networking.

Arjun Kalyanpur, Jasbir Singh, Ricky Bedi

Practical issues in picture archiving and communication system and networking

Practical issues in picture archiving and communication system and networking

Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) is a key workflow tool in the functioning of radiology departments worldwide, today, and its utilization is rapidly growing in India. The key challenges in PACS implementation are related to vendor and feature selection, integration with the existing HIS, user training, maintenance and scalability to meet increasing demands. Additionally, the networking requirements that PACS imposes on hospital networks are not insignificant. This article attempts to review these issues from the standpoint of what a prospective or new user needs to know.

Kalyanpur A, Singh J, Bedi R. Practical issues in picture archiving and communication system and networking. Indian J Radiol Imaging 2010;20:2-5

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