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Is Teleradiology Reliable Compared to Conventional Radiology?
The essential difference between both is the presence of radiologists on site. In conventional radiology practice, the radiologist is present physically at the site of ...
Read moreImportance of Imaging Stroke Protocol
Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death and is predominantly the reason for increased incidences of serious, long-term disability in the United States. It ...
Read moreRadiologist Burnout – and related issues
An awful lot is being said today about radiologist burnout. Hardly a week passes by without a dire article on the subject on the front ...
Read moreThe Teleradiology Opportunity in India
Teleradiology in India today represents an idea whose time has come. The healthcare industry in India is growing at a tremendous pace with increasing expenditure ...
Read moreEmergency radiology coverage: technical and clinical feasibility of an international Teleradiology model
The purpose of the study was to determine the feasibility of international teleradiology, utilizing day-night time differences, for online interpretation of overnight computed tomography (CT) ...
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