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Accurate Prostate Volume Estimation Using Multi-Feature Active Shape Models on T2 Weighted MRI.

Toth R, Bloch BN, Genega EM, Rofsky NM, Lenkinski RE, Rosen MA, Kalyanpur A, Pungavkar S, Madabhushi A.

Accurate prostate volume estimation is useful for calculating prostate-specific antigen density and in evaluating post-treatment response. In the clinic, prostate volume estimation involves modeling the prostate as an ellipsoid or a spheroid from transrectal ultrasound, or T2 weighted MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).

Kalyanpur A, Toth R. Accurate Prostate Volume Estimation Using Multi-Feature Active Shape Models on T2-Weighted MRI. Academic Radiology; 2011 January.

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