
Pancreatic Cancer- Know Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

The Telerad Group's AI-powered RIS-PACS Takes Center Stage at Arab Health

India has just one radiologist for 100 scans a day heres how it can plug the shortage

Telerad Group Unveils AI-based Solution for Enhanced Pulmonary Embolism Detection in Radiology

Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2023: Know The Role Of Early Diagnosis And Mammography

Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Impact of AI and Telehealth on Patient Care, Quality, and Access

Telerad Group, NIMHANS sign MoU to Strengthen Stroke, Head Trauma Diagnosis- Health Economic times Indiatimes

Leadership and Collaboration: Paving the Path to Transform India's Healthcare Landscape- Health Economic times Indiatimes

Telerad Group makes new CTO appointment to drive healthcare innovation, 2nd Aug 2023- Biospectrum India

AI for decision-making picking up among Bengaluru doctors, JUL 23 2023- Deccanherald

Unsung Heroes: Back from the US, Bengaluru-based doctor couple building playgrounds for govt schools, 16th July 2023

The AI storm is here: Adapt or perish? JUL 16 2023- Deccanherald

Why HR leaders must avoid these mistakes before initiating the hiring process, 10th July 2023- Peope Matters

Emergency radiology: Why the need for another subspecialty?, May 30, 2023 - The Times of India

Revolutionising Tuberculosis Diagnosis: Role Of Radiology In TB Detection, 13 April 2023 - BW Healthcare World

IT in radiology: Setting the stage for better care, April 13 2023 - Express Healthcare

Here is a company with no fixed retirement age- April 10 2023 - HR World From The Economic Times

The Impact of AI on Medical Imaging – The Sum Exceeds the Parts- CEO Insights India

Artificial Intelligence - Tailwind of the Digital Success of Radiology- Silicon India

Technology will bring down workloads and shortage of radiologists, March 25 2023- ET Health World

Indian healthcare providers and pharma companies speed up to combat TB as drug resistance concerns emerge, March 24th 2023- Pharmabiz

India’s Growth Champions 2023 ranks nation’s fastest-growing companies, March 15th 2023- The Economic Times

Dr Sunita Maheshwari shares inspiring thoughts about International Women's Day on IndiaMedToday, March 8th 2023.

Radiologist shortage issue continues to persist and worsen: Dr Arjun Kalyanpur, Chief Radiologist & Founder CEO, Teleradiology Solutions- Financial Express

Healthcare sector can plug gaps in medical services with PPP model: Expert- Pharmabiz

Teleradiology trends and learnings for 2023- The Times of India

Union Budget 2023: A step forward in strengthening India’s Healthcare system- Elets eHealth








Budget Expectations 2023-24: Teleradiology Solutions

Technological Innovations Transforming the Indian Healthcare Sector- CEO Insights India

Resolving the Paramedical Staff Shortage in India: What are the Options?

Society for Emergency Radiology names Dr Arjun Kalyanpur as President for 2022-24-ET Healthworld

Dr Arjun Kalyanpur, Co-founder and Chief Radiologist of Teleradiology Solutions has been appointed President of the Society for Emergency Radiology (SER), for 2022 – 2024- Biospectrumindia.

Teleradiology sector in India cannot grow on the back of governmental machinery alone (Refer Page No. 32), Express Healthcare, November 5th, 2022.

Teleradiology’s Role in Access to Primary Healthcare
Five Reasons Why Radiology Needs AI
From a business perspective, the appeal of the radiology-AI combination is related to the extraordinary potential of a transformational technological disruption that can simultaneously address the issues of cost, understaffing, efficiency and quality in the delivery of radiologic services (the latter are all unfortunate realities in today’s world of major radiologist shortages).
The investor storyline is also psychologically compelling given as it ties in with futuristic imagery of the man-machine combine and its potential to transcend traditional human limitations with the bionic capabilities of the AI-supported super-radiologist. Published in Indiamedtoday
Dr. Sunita Maheshwari | The Telrad Group
Dr. Sunita Maheshwari | The Telrad Group
Dr. Sunita Maheshwari is taking healthcare forward by cracking smart answers to traditional problems and emerging challenges – by making the intersection of technology, innovation and leadership her own.
All leaders have a signature view of the world. A trademark mantra, so to speak. So what is the one big concept or philosophy that defines Sunita’s approach to life and guides her success mantra? Published in Voiceofhealthcare
Women bring a mix of empathy and a “detective” brain to science

Teleradiology Solutions announces reporting volumes and revenue bounce back post-pandemic

- Elective surgeries and imaging were postponed by hospitals and patients
- Due to lockdowns, traffic accidents and trauma had reduced significantly
- The stay at home and masking mandate reduced transmission of other respiratory infections.
As a result, even though telemedicine consultations rose dramatically during the pandemic, hospital admissions and diagnostic elective imaging and radiology reporting volumes dropped globally.
Teleradiology Solutions to telereport chest CT scans for free as part of its 'COVID SUPPORT' initiative
The aim is to help give the ‘CT severity score index’ of a COVID positive patient when the CT scan is uploaded on the website. The scans are analyzed by a team of experienced radiologists at no cost to the patient. “CT severity score index is a radiology-based quantification protocol which can improve the identification of patients at risk for clinical deterioration for optimization and better management of hospital resources by frontline healthcare personnel. HRCT report quantifies the extent of the ground-glass opacities in the lung cavities, which are a crucial marker of COVID severity” said Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur, Chief Radiologist, Teleradiology Foundation.
What healthcare organisations need to do (quickly) in the COVID Era
May 2020: As the world transforms itself in response to the COVID crisis, healthcare companies, being at the forefront of the battle against the virus, have also been forced to adapt. In our own organisation which provides teleradiology reporting services and technology to healthcare institutions around the world, we have had to make rapid changes as well, and while not all of it has been smooth, it has certainly made for an excellent learning experience. Published in Expresshealthcare
Imaging COVID-19 Webinar for Physicians, Radiologists, Healthcare Workers


SARS (the current coronavirus has been named as SARS-CoV-2)
“An epidemic of swine flu swept the s a es of Gujarat and Rajasthan with 33000 documented cases and over 2000 deaths.”
Source: Times Of India Blogs

“The last decade has been a truly exciting one for the teleradiology sector, which in its currently established form is about two decades old, i.e. as old as the current millennium.”
Source: Express Healthcare
CHANGING DYNAMICS OF RADIOLOGY BUSINESS - Dr Arjun Kalyanpur on Making Radiology Practice More Effective

SARS (the current coronavirus has been named as SARS-CoV-2)
“An epidemic of swine flu swept the s a es of Gujarat and Rajasthan with 33000 documented cases and over 2000 deaths.”
Source: Times Of India Blogs
Teleradiology and Artificial Intelligence – Birds of the Same Feather

“It is a biological necessity for humankind to constantly search for the most efficient way to solve a problem. From the time of the invention of the wheel to the abacus, the printing press, the computer, and the internet, every technological advancement has essentially fulfilled a need of ensuring that a given task could be completed more speedily, efficiently, accurately, and with less physical or intellectual human effort required.”
Source: Academic Radiology
Teleradiology Solutions collaborates with Skype Telemedicine

“Teleradiology Solutions(TRS) is a global pioneer in remote radiology interpretation and telehealth. Services offered under the TRS – Skype Telemedicine partnership include Teleradiology Services, Nighthawk and Subspeciality Radiology reporting. The services will be delivered using RADSpa, a teleradiology workflow platform developed and patented by TRS. The RADSpa platform is deployed in 24 countries and has processed more than 20 million studies and billions of images. RADSpa is FDA approved and CE certified.”
Source: Express Healthcare
The State of Teleradiology in 2019

“Teleradiology is a saturated, mature market that is no longer growing,” says Lawrence Muroff, MD, FACR, chief executive officer and president of Imaging Consultants, Inc. “If anything, it’s shrinking somewhat because, as practices get larger, they have a greater capability of providing comprehensive call themselves.”“Teleradiology is a saturated, mature market that is no longer growing,” says Lawrence Muroff, MD, FACR, chief executive officer and president of Imaging Consultants, Inc. “If anything, it’s shrinking somewhat because, as practices get larger, they have a greater capability of providing comprehensive call themselves.”
Source: Diagnostic Imaging
Who’s paying for your healthcare?

“As we progress further into the millennium, populations continue to grow, and healthcare challenges continue to burden our populations, the economic means and models for meeting the healthcare requirements of our community come under ever closer scrutiny and analysis.”“As we progress further into the millennium, populations continue to grow, and healthcare challenges continue to burden our populations, the economic means and models for meeting the healthcare requirements of our community come under ever closer scrutiny and analysis.”
Source: HealthAnalytics Asia
Dr Google, second opinions, and the informed patient
With healthcare information now readily available on the Internet, most patients visiting their physician already have some understanding of their condition or what they believe that might be, and come armed with questions, a far cry from the old days when a physician’s opinion was sacred and unquestionable.
“The impact of today’s information-centric culture on healthcare is far-reaching”
Shaping the future of healthcare delivery
In the past few years, the healthcare sector has made significant advancements owing to technology. The miniaturization of medical devices and more powerful wearables continues to transform both prevention and cure in healthcare
““Futuristic healthcare in my opinion, for India, would ensure that every person has access to medical advice either in person or remotely”
Source: AHPI Newsletter
Can assistants and surrogates supplement overworked physicians?
A worrisome phenomenon currently sweeping the world is that of physician burnout, which has been recognized and defined as a clinical condition with actual symptoms.
“A cohort of physician assistants or associates could be of tremendous value in supporting doctors and addressing healthcare gaps in this time of dramatic physician shortages and burnout.”
Life Lessons from a Legend
Dr. Kalyanpur – What prompted you to take up radiology as a specialty? Where did you obtain your initial training and experience in the field? What made you decide to focus on musculoskeletal radiology?
“Prof. Kakarla Subba Rao: At the end of my medical course, I decided to go abroad for further studies for no particular reason; and fortunately, that year an advertisement appeared in the newspapers calling for applications for residencies in various medical specialties in USA, sponsored by Indian Medical Association.”
Is your doctor burnt out yet?

“As the global population increases and healthcare issues mount, physician burnout is becoming an established global phenomenon. Physicians today across the world are finding themselves working harder than ever before. The reason for burnout, however, extends beyond overwork.”
Source: Express Healthcare
The State of Women's Entrepreneurship in India 2019

Sunita agrees: “A lot is changing in terms of entrepreneurial ideas moving online which gives women the option to work flexi hours and if needed, from home, etc.”
The Tele-Medical Guru

“After completing her tenure at Yale University and leading paediatric divisions in many a national hospital, she stumbled onto the idea of online consultancy and started offering expert diagnosis of CT scans and MRIs for patients in the US while living in Bengaluru. Such was the inception of now globally accredited Teleradiology Solutions.”
Source: Entrepreneur
Train schoolgirls to help more women take up data science
In order to catch youngsters early on, data hackathons must be held in schools and special segregated training should be
conducted exclusively for girl students
“In India, there is only one radiologist per one lakh population. Using deep learning, we can auto-detect a lesion, pull up related clinical history and compare it with previous scans and prepare a templated report.”
Source: Times of India
Maintaining High Quality Services and Enhancing Patient Care: Result of a Symbiotic Relationship Between MGH and TRS

“The collaboration between Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Teleradiology Solutions is not the stereotypical overseas outsourcing business case of moving jobs to save expense. Rather, the motivation was to enhance patient care and maintain the quality of service, says Gordon J Harris, Ph.D., Director of the MGH (Massachusetts General Hospital) 3D Imaging Service in an interview with IJCP.”
Source: IJCP
Teleradiology Solutions: making AI-enabled diagnosis accessible to patients anytime, anywhere

“Teleradiology Solutions is countering the global shortage of radiologists by having an AI-driven solution complete the first round of diagnosis. This lets radiologists review more scans and gives clients faster, more accurate diagnoses”
Source: YourStory
Dr. Sunita Maheshwari - Winner of Outlook Business WOW 2019 Award
A successful tech entrepreneur who is still a doctor at ‘heart’ Teleradiology Solutions’ Sunita Maheshwari was among
Outlook Business Women of Worth awardees at WOW2019 Bengaluru.
“Struggling to scale up your #business? Learn from those who have been there, done that. Teleradiology Solutions’s Sunita Maheshwari was a panel speaker at WOW2019 Bengaluru.”
Source: Outlook Business
Award Video Panel Discussion Video Outlook Business coverage
There is a surfeit of Indian doctors globally, but we have a shortage of doctors within India: Dr. Sunita Maheshwari

“India has 450 medical colleges and trains about 52,000 MBBS students every year and yet, we have a huge shortage. The Planning Commission estimates that there is a shortage of six lakh doctors. We have only eight lakh doctors for a population of 1.3 billion and growing. Why is it that we have this skill gap?”
Source: ET Healthworld
How telemedicine technology can reduce healthcare costs

“Studies have highlighted the multiple benefits that telemedicine lends to screening, including TB detection, PAP smear for cervical cancer and mammogram analysis for breast cancer.”
Source: Fortune India
How this doctor turned into an entrepreneur

“From the beginning, Teleradiology had a meaningful business model and ploughed back the profits into building and growing the company. The doctor-couple took a conscious decision not to raise funds from investors.”
Source: The Hindu Business Line
How AI is improving health care access - Dr Sunita Maheshwari and Dr Arjun Kalyanpur | TEDxJIPMER

“Listen to doctors-turned-entrepreneurs, Dr Arjun Kalyanpur and Dr Sunita Maheshwari, speaking about how telemedicine and artificial intelligence can bring quality diagnostics to even the most resource poor areas.”
Source: TEDx
Be Future Ready, Invest in AI
September, 2018: Teleradiology Solutions has since its inception been focused on its mission of addressing the issue of radiologist shortages, and the use of technology in alleviate these.
“Teleradiology Solutions is investing heavily in AI algorithms for Imaging. Do you think AI could replace radiologists some day?”
Source: IndiaMed Today
Computer Vision Transforming Health Imaging: A Look Ahead
Computer vision is a rapidly developing discipline of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which strives to mimic the human visual system. This field of AI encompasses various automated processes that extract information from the images, analyze and then develop a spontaneous understanding of the data with an ability to classify objects or determine relatedness between images.
“Radiology & Pathology are largely image-based diagnostic specialties. They are integral tools in the clinical decision-making process, guide current management and help predict overall outcomes in terms of quality & longevity of life.”
Source: Silicon India Healthcare
Meet the 8 women who are revolutionizing healthcare in India
August 14, 2018: With technology at the forefront of most advancements in healthcare, Sunita Maheshwari realised early on that there was a need to disrupt the healthcare sector by using technology for diagnosis.
“As founders of path-breaking healthcare startups and initiatives, these women are tapping unserved niches through innovation in the diagnostic and enterprise areas.”
Medical Tourism in Sri Lanka- Are We Ready Yet?

“If you think that these two scenarios are from the future you are wrong. “Teleradiology Solutions” Bangalore is one of the leading companies which provide radiology reports. It serves many hospitals all over the world including Singapore General Hospital.”
Dr. Himantha Atukorale, Consultant in Rheumatology & Rehabilitation at the Teaching Hospital in Anuradhapura
Using Technology to redefine Healthcare

” ‘India Emerging’ has lately become India Submerging — particularly when it comes to healthcare. The woes and stress of daily living here have become legion — from garbage piles and poor sanitation, bacteria-laden water, pollution, long commutes due to..”
6 lessons entrepreneurs can learn from watching Rafael Nadal train

“Rafael Nadal recently made history with his 11th championship win at the French Open. What is it like to train with such a great sportsperson, and what lessons can entrepreneurs take from his training regimen?”
Author: Dr Arjun Kalyanpur
Source: YOURSTORY Partners With Teleradiology Solutions (TRS) and Telerad Tech to Enable Better Patient Care

“Teleradiology Solutions (TRS) & Telerad Tech partners with to enable better patient care. Faster and smarter diagnosis of X-ray and CT scan data made possible with groundbreaking technology”
Winning Stroke: Interview With Arjun Kalyanpur, CEO & Founder, Teleradiology

“If our business doesn’t succeed we can always go back and continue to practice medicine, if it does succeed we would have created something magical”.
“In an interview, Arjun Kalyanpur, CEO & Founder, Teleradiology opens up about his personal preferences, life and much more”
Source: Businessworld
6 life lessons for radiologists from Roger Federer

power tennis.
“Every one of us has many radiologic grand slams within us, and the capacity to reach the full potential of our endeavors is something that the glittering tennis career of Roger Federer can guide us toward”
Author: Dr Arjun Kalyanpur
The importance of redundancy and disaster recovery in radiology, from the healthcare IT perspective
A second implication is that of maintaining redundancy in terms of data archival, to ensure that in case of damage to infrastructure, critical patient data is not corrupted or lost altogether. Today, cloud-based archives ensure that the outage of a single location is compensated for by colocation of data across a network of datacenters that together constitute the internet cloud.
“Some years ago, when there was armed conflict in Georgia (part of the former Soviet Union), we were contacted by the head of an imaging center with a request to report his scans as his radiologist was no longer available to report them”
Author: Dr Arjun Kalyanpur
Source: HealthBizInsight
Teleradiology - Using Information Technology to Provide Medical Diagnosis to Remote Locations

“Today, with the implementation of Teleradiology, immediate reporting by a radiologist in another location is made possible”
Coverage: Canadian Hospitals outsource Radiological Testing in India
May 4, 2017: Teleradiology Solutions has agreed to let us visit its premises. It is located in Bangalore, the symbol of subcontracting. “Everything is done practically in real time,” says director Akram Pervez…. They return their diagnosis via a Secure network within 15 to 30 minutes.
“In the United States, radiologists often work during the day. So hospitals find it simpler to send us the scans in the evening and at night….”
Coverage: Teleradiology Solutions reaccredited with Gold Seal of Approval from the Joint Commission for fifth year in a row

“The surveyor told us he had never given such an excellent report to any other organization in his five years of conducting these Joint Commission surveys….”
Coverage: Medicine to Entrepreneurship – How Dr Sunita Maheshwari Is Delivering Global Solutions

“A by-product of successfully running these companies is that I have made money and I am now able to use that financial resource to make a tangible impact in the society.”
Our Customer's Excellent Feedback on our Teleradiology Coverage
Mar 14, 2017: One Radiology Chair’s Perspectives on the Use of Teleradiology Firms to Extend Radiologist Capabilities
Phillip Kohanski, M.D., shares his perspectives on the use of Teleradiology services by hospital radiologists.
Shortage of Radiologists in Tanzania - Africa
Feb 22, 2017: Tanzania Faces Acute Shortage of Radiology, Imaging Experts
There are only 60 radiology experts and about 410 radiographers distributed across hospitals in the country. “Teleradiology” can help bridge this gap….
Coverage: Teleradiology Solutions and GE Healthcare join hands to improve access to advanced radiology interpretation services

Partnership will drive adoption of advanced medical technologies and better patient outcomes in tier 2 and beyond markets.
Economic Times The Hindu 24×7 Magazine ET
One Radiologist for a Lakh of People; How do you Fill the Gap?

We now look at over 2.6 million scans annually with 350 employees all over the world. We examine scans from 75 hospitals in the US and 11 centres in Singapore…
Coverage: Teleradiology Solutions: 'After the Party, It's Time to Think Fitness Again': The Economic Times: 3rd January 2017

After the Party, It’s Time to Think Fitness Again
It’s normal to slip on your exercise and diet regimen during holidays, and pushing yourself to return to your routine can be tough indeed.
“One needs to get up early, take stock and make a plan for the year which involves planning the time for exercise each day and charting out a diet plan…
Access to telemedicine & teleradiology inadequate in Asia: Dr Sunita Maheshwari
Doctor shortfall in Africa propels demand for teleradiology expertise: Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur
The limited access to healthcare resources provides the biggest opportunity to provide quality and seamless healthcare services in Africa. Use of teleradiology in Africa helps to build scalable low cost solutions and enables easy access to medical assistance, he said.
Teleradiology Solutions Inks Deal for Remote 3D Services
MGH picks teleradiology firm for 3D postprocessing
As part of the agreement, TRS invested in the creation of a new facility manned by 3D-trained radiologists. TRS will adhere to MGH’s 3D protocols as it performs the assigned 3D postprocessing services for the hospital, as well as facilities around the globe.
The 3D images will enable physicians to better understand disease processes and develop treatment and intervention plans in a timelier way, the firm said.
Telemedicine experts see a shift in healthcare delivery from clinics to digital-based home monitoring
Teleradiology Solutions to Perform Remote 3D Post-Processing Services for Massachusetts General Hospital
As part of the agreement, TRS invested in the creation of a new facility manned by 3D-trained radiologists to offer Routine and STAT 3D services. TRS will follow and utilize MGH’s 3D protocols as it performs the assigned 3D post-processing services. With its 24-hour staffing, the new facility is fully capable of performing services for MGH, but also for other facilities across the globe as TRS is already one of the largest tele-diagnostic services in Asia in addition to its large footprint in the United States.
Teleradiology Solutions: 'A far-sighted solution to beat the shortage of radiologists': The Hindu Business Line: 15 October 2016
Teleradiology Offers Real Benefits to Radiologists
The publication has done a stand-alone story on how companies like Teleradiology Solutions are helping to reduce the shortage of radiologists in India.
Highlights of the article:
- Engagement with State Governments – Tripura project
- TRS tie up with hospitals in Tripura
- Brief about TRS
- Shortage of radiologists
- Role of a radiologist
- Constant need for radiology training and education
- TRS’s work with International hospitals
- ‘Tele’ enabling accuracy in radiology reports
- ‘Tele’ enabling radiology access to remote areas
Teleradiology Solutions: 'Many positives of telemedicine': Deccan Herald

However, telemedicine has since evolved along many paths with new and innovative applications and roles emerging constantly. Imagine a radiologist based in India analysing an emergent CT scan performed on a patient in an emergency room in the US and discussing the findings with a physician across the globe!
Teleradiology Solutions: 'City doc solves crippling radiologist shortage': Bangalore Mirror

An acute shortage of radiologists to decipher medical images and providing accurate diagnoses using computed tomography (CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-rays, ultrasound or positron emission tomography (PET) has been an irritable feature of the medical system in the country.
Good Samaritan - This Radiologist Signals Hope for Faraway Patients

For a population of over one billion, there are barely 10,000 radiologists in the country . This translates to one radiologist for a lakh of people. What’s more, most radiologists are based in the metros.
And, it is this gap that the Telerad Foundation tries to fill.
Set up in 2007 by Dr Arjun Kalyanpur and his wife Dr Sunita Maheshwari, the foundation provides pro bono radiology expertise to those who cannot afford it.
Teleradiology Solutions hires senior execs for a recharge

Teleradiology Offers Real Benefits to Radiologists

Teleradiology Solutions Mentioned in ``India Rising`` – Ravi Velloor.

Dr Sunita Maheswari Rewrites Innovations in Health – Tech Industry – HerStory.
‘A doctor- Entrepreneur who was invited to meet President Obama, Dr. Sunita Maheshwari rewrites innovations in health-tech’.
Dr. Sunita Maheshwari, Our Chief Dreamer, Teleradiology Solutions featured in India's most powerful women

Selected personalities from financial, technology, trade, and medical Sectors were featured in this Coffee Table Book.
Wonder Women of Healthcare #6

Cofounder and Chief Dreamer, Teleradiology Solutions
Jan 19, 2016
Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year was given to Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur, MD CEO Teleradiology Solutions
Oct 2015, Pharmabiz
India's Iconic Doctor - Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur
Sept 2015, Dailyrounds
Indian telemedicine technology transforms patient evaluation & diagnostics: Dr. Sunita Maheshwari
Sept 2015, Pharmabiz
Growth declines with missing women @ work
What if more women step out of their homes and go for work in India? A forthcoming study by economist and University of Manchester professor Pierre-Richard Agénor makes the intriguing contention that it could simply push up the country’s growth by about two per cent.
June 2015, Deccan Herald
My Five - Use a standing workstation for long hours” - Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur
May 2015, The Hindu Businessline
Dr. Sunita Maheswari joins the panel at Lake Nona Impact Forum - 2015
April 2015, PRWeb
Doctors without borders help over 30L.

Dec 2014, TOI
Teleradiology Solutions and Telerad RxDx start Telemedicine with Sonari village in Uttar Pradesh, India.

May 2014
Article by Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur 'The Role of Teleradiology in Emergency Radiology Provision'
Teleradiology is today a word, which epitomizes innovation in healthcare, symbolizes efficiency in healthcare delivery, and represents a significant success story within the overall spectrum of telemedicine.
Volume 14 – Issue 1. March 2014,
Pediatric Cardiologist Dr. Sunita Maheshwari Conferred 'Amazing Indian' Award`` - By Times Now
Dr. Sunita Maheshwari is a woman on a mission to give every child a chance to enjoy their childhood. She is a doctor spreading smiles through her unique venture. Let’s take a look at this her story.
Feb 2014, Times Now
Technology-Driven Healthcare Entrepreneurship

Feb 2014, LiveMint
Dreams Galore - Dr. Sunita Maheshwari
Leaving behind no goals of 2013 unachieved, Teleradiology Solutions is on the move with a lot more expectations for 2014. Dr. SunitaMaheshwari, the Chief Dreamer and Co-founder of Teleradiology Solutions, talks to Color Doppler Magazine
Jan 2014, Color Doppler
Reaching the Unreached
Oct 2013, Color Doppler
Step by Step in Emergency Radiology with CD-ROM
Jun 2013, Jaypee – The Health Sciences Publisher
Teleradiology Man - Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur

Oct 2013, Color Doppler Magazine
Reaching out to the Masses
Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur talks about the evolution of the company from a teleradiology services provider into a healthcare IT provider. Check out an interesting interview published in eHEALTH magazine!
Oct 2013, eHEALTH magazine
Dr. Sunita Maheshwari as 'Medicine Woman' in Femina!

Jun 2013, Femina Magazine
Outsourcing Teleradiology: Dr. Sunita Maheshwari at TEDxMAIS
Telemedicine link to Tibetan settlements
The Times of India features the Telemedicine link between Telerad and Tibet!
May 2013, TOI
Reads That Matter
May 2013, Express Healthcare
Indian outsourcing 2.0

April 2013, The London Financial Times
Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur on cover page of In Imaging Magazine - 'Accidental Pioneer'
Jan 2013, In Imaging
An article featured in Smart Manager (Nov-Dec'12 issue) - 'Health check of the Indian healthcare industry' by Dr. Sunita Maheshwari
Further, a robust healthcare system and a drop in infant mortality will lead to a drop in overall population growth: once citizens have confidence that their children will surely survive, the need for multiple children reduces dramatically.
Dec 2012,
An article featured in Healthcare Executive- ‘Telerad starts Telemedicine system Eastern India’
Telerad Tech, has recently started its operation in Eastern India, with the first site going live this month and already more than 100 patients have been benefited from the service
Oct 2012, Healthcare Executive
Image Core Lab and DIA successfully hosted an innovative ‘Imaging in Clinical Trials’ workshop
Aug 2012,
Teleradiology Solutions founders Dr Sunita Maheshwari and Dr Arjun Kalyanpur in Forbes India
Aug 2012,
Telerad Foundation Reads More Than 20000 Free Scans for Poor Patients in Asia
July 2012,
Best in KLAS Teleradiology Solutions Sets up a New Clinical Trial Imaging Core Lab
Teleradiology Solutions, the Klas rated Number 1 national teleradiology provider, has entered the Clinical Trials Imaging Market with the creation of its niche unit- Image Core Lab (ICL).
July 2012,
Image Core Lab Teleradiology Solutions and DIA to conduct workshop on imaging in clinical trials
Image Core Lab in collaboration with Teleradiology Solutions and the DIA will conduct a one-day workshop on imaging in clinical trials on July 27 at Teleradiology Solutions Auditorium in Bangalore.
June 2012,
Teleradiology Solutions Pvt. Ltd mentioned as one of the key vendors dominating the market in TechNavio's report Global Teleradiology market 2011-2015
June 2012,
Recent and Upcoming Trends in Teleradiology
March 2012
America’s no 1 Teleradiology Company Forays Into Telemedicine in Asia
March 2012,
Teleradiology Solutions celebrates its 10th Anniversary
Feb 2012
Our client Tanner Health System has been named one of the 15 Top Health Systems in the nation, Top in Georgia by Thomson Reuters.
Jan 2012,
Dr. Sunita Maheshwari Keynote at GHC India - 2011

Dec 2011, Grace Hopper Celebration of ‘Women in Computing India’
Teleradiology Solutions Achieves '2011 Best in KLAS Awards: Software and Services’
Dec 2011, KLAS
Dr. Sunita Maheshwari, Chief Dreamer Teleradiology Solutions featured in Forbes India
Forbes featured Dr. Sunita Maheshwari for an interesting title ‘3 New Job Titles That Didn’t Exist’ that she holds in Teleradiology Solutions
Dec 2011, Forbes India
Scanning newer avenues

Nov 2011,
Teleradiology Solutions Now Sends Reports to Sub-Saharan Africa
Nov 2011,
Teleradiology Solutions rated No 1 National Teleradiology provider in USA - KLAS 2011
Oct 2011,
Teleradiology Solutions Signs Up 10 New Sites in India This Quarter
Sep 2011,
Interview with Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur in health care magazine, e-Health
Sep 2011, e-Health
Expert Speak by Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur in Modern Medicare
Aug 2011, Modern Medicare
Teleradiology Solutions ranked amongst top 3 national teleradiology firms in US
May 2011, Business Standard
Imaging the world, remotely
May 2011, Business Today
Innovations in healthcare
An Article by Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur- With the inadequacy of conventional methods to meet the needs of the community, the need of the hour is out-of-the-box thinking and innovation.
May 2011, Express Healthcare
Future tech: Merger of medicine and technology
April 2011, The Economic Times
Why our canteen rocks!

Dec 2010, OutlookBusiness
Entrepreneurial journey
Nov 2010, Government of India
Teleradiology Solutions showcased to US President Barack Obama
Dr. Sunita Maheshwari was one amongst the 18 innovative entrepreneurs selected to meet President Obama in Mumbai on November 6, 2010.
Teleradiology Solutions signs with Indira Gandhi Memorial hospital, Maldives
Oct 2010, business-standard
Teleradiology Solutions plans to reach new markets
October 15, 2010,
Teleradiology Solutions has tied up with Biocon for clinical trials radiology
Sept 15, 2010,
Biocon partners with Teleradiology Solutions
Teleradiology Solutions gets e-India award
Aug 2010, e-India
Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur in eHealth Magazine ‘Road to the Top’- Healthcare Leaders Special
May 2010, eHealth
Teleradiology Solutions co-founder Dr. Sunita Maheshwari ‘Queen of hearts’

Jan 2010, India Today
Teleradiology Solutions wins Best of New Haven award 2009

Telerad Foundation nominated for Manthan Award South Asia 2009
December 2009,
Dr Arjun Kalyanpur, CEO and Chief Radiologist of Teleradiology Solutions was in China

Nov 2009
Telerad Director makes top 20 women health care achievers list!
March 2009, Modern Medicare
Teleradiology Solutions helps patients in Georgia
August 13 2008
Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur wins Modern Medicare 'Entrepreneur of the year award 2007'
Vol 4 No 5, April 2008
Telerad School in Bangalore aims at shortage
June 2008, CMPMedica United Business Media
Kiran Mazumdar Shaw launches 'Rad Gurukul' - First teleradiology training center by Teleradiology Solutions
Teleradiology Solutions, premier provider of teleradiology services, today launched ‘Rad Gurukul’ the first ever teleradiology training center in India.
March 2008, India eNews
- First tele-radiology centre in Bangalore
- Teleradiology Solutions Launches ‘Rad Gurukul’- Radiology Training Center
Opening new vistas
Apr 2007, Business India
IPTS 2007-Future is here
May 2007, Modern Medicare
Teleradiology Solutions inks JV with National Health Group, Singapore
Teleradiology Solutions, a leading provider of tele-radiology services in the country has entered into a joint venture agreement with the National Healthcare Group(NHG), Singapore.
Mar 2007,
Teleradiology in venture with NHG Singapore

Mar 2007, Business Standard
Teleradiology forms tie-up with Singapore co
Teleradiology in venture with NHG SingaporeTeleradiology signs MOU with NHG, Singapore
Faster X-ray results, thanks to outsourcing
X-RAYS from Singapore zip across to India and reports on them come back within 30 minutes. The age of teleradiology has arrived for Singapore.
Feb 2007, Singapore Straits Times
Remote diagnostics has huge demand
Are IT and BPO industries making us a nation of coolies? This may be the nation of some critics.
But serious professionals use technology as a tool for the high value added services business such as teleradiology
Nov 2006, Vijay Times
Bangalore: Teleradiology Solutions' unit inaugurated
Nov 2006,
- Nandan Nilekani Inaugurates Teleradiology Solutions’ New Facility at Whitefield TRS listing on DNB
New teleradiology facility at Whitefield
Nov 2006, Indian Express
Break A Bone In NY, See X-Ray In B'lore
Aug 2006, The Economic Times
X-rays, scans now outsourced
With a large pool of well-trained doctors and high-tech infrastructure, India is fast emerging as a teleradiology hub, providing offshore X-Ray reporting services to the US, Europe, Singapore and West Asia.
Mar 2006,
India emerging as teleradiology hub
May 2006, Vijay Times
Teleradiology firm ties up with Singapore group
Feb 2006, Indian Express
Teleradiology Solutions, GE Global Research team up for 3-D Processing Techniques
Sep 2005,
Teleradiology ties up with Raichur centre
Teleradiology Solutions on Tuesday said it has tied up with Raichur Diagnostic Centre to provide remotely read digital X-ray and ultrasound services from Bangalore.
Aug 2005, The Hindu
Bangalore touted as teleradiology hub
Jul 2005, Asian Age
U.S. doctors turn to outsourcing to help diagnose ills
Dec 2004, The Seattle Times